About Keely

A few facts about me:
+ Proud member of the Stays Up Too Late Society of Book Addicts (our motto: Just one more page, I swear!”
+ Driver of Luigi Lucia, cutest sky blue Fiat on the planet.
+ Author of thrilling, enthralling contemporary and paranormal romance.
What else?
+ Graduate of Mount Holyoke College; holder of an MFA from American University
+ Team Roy Kent (his GF has the BEST NAME, even if she spells it wrong).
+ Happy citizen of Romancelandia since 1984 (I still own the first two romances I ever read: By Love Bewitched by Violet Winspear and Lord Richard’s Daughter by Joan Wolf).
When I’m not writing…
I hold down a day job in communications. I hang out with friends. I study habit and happiness formation. I travel. I read (see first bullet point above…). I meet semi-regularly with a bookclub devoted solely to the works of sci-fi/fantasy author Lois McMaster Bujold because she’s just that awesome. I give workshops on writing craft because you can lead a writer away from the keyboards, but you can’t make her stop obsessing about technique and storytelling and characters.
No artificial shortages.
Komarr, Lois McMaster Bujold
— Georg Vorthys
Georg may be talking about dessert, but I use this line all the time to remind myself that I don’t have to listen to the noise in my head urging me to play it safe and live small. Limiting beliefs need not apply, thankyouverymuch. This gal is pursuing her dreams. Thanks for coming along for the ride!