An Early Christmas Present
I’ve never been really certain if I chose to become a writer or if storytelling was thrust upon me.
I do know that when I’m not writing, not working my way through the building blocks of a story, something inside me feels itchy and not at peace. Which means I’m usually plugging away at some stage of the writing process: thinking about what my characters need, figuring out what kinds of conflict will spark their growth, reveling in the story rewards I can give them for good behavior (often that means fun “adult times” with the love interest, but sometimes it’s good food. I’m very food motivated and so are my characters). So–daydreaming, writing, re-writing, and editing. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I’ve spent a couple of decades in this rhythm. Just me and my characters figuring our lives out via the three act structure.
What I have less experience in is the “shared with the world” side of writing. Publication. As in books that other people get to have an opinion about. Suddenly, it’s not just me tap-tap-tapping away in my little writer’s nest in the corner of my living room thinking that maybe I’m onto something here. It’s other humans telling me how my story-driving is. Eep!
It can feel unnervingly naked to put one’s work — one’s self — out there for judgment. For me, there is also a thread of defiance or maybe I mean bravery. An essential piece of me that says, “I’m sharing this, my best work, this creation that is important to me. Take it with my hope that you enjoy.” But of course you can’t make anyone enjoy a piece of art or even agree that something is a piece of art. (Which leads me back to that intro sentence, why the heck did I become a writer? Oh yeah. I didn’t have much choice.)
Anyhoo, when you screw yourself up to being vulnerable and maybe you’re huddled in a protective ball with your eyes mostly shut–just slit open enough so maybe you can roll out of the way when the inevitable blowback comes–and-and-and–the first review comes in and THE READER LIKES IT. So maybe you lift your head, peer over at the screen, and huh. There’s another reader who picked up what you were laying down. You stand up, shake out the tension from your muscles and slip into your chair to see the next two thumbs up review. And then maybe your heart grows two and a half times the size it was before because, you know, GRATITUDE, and maybe you don’t have to have a Blue Christmas after all and…
Oh. You mean that’s not you, it’s me? Occupational hazard of being a writer, heh. We go off on tangents.
This week my fourth book baby released into the wild. “The One That I Need” in the Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses limited edition hot holiday romance collection. The reviews have stellar. To be clear, feedback positive or negative won’t impact whether I’ll continue to write (we’ve established that I don’t have much choice in the matter!). But, wow, mamma. Knowing that my stories landed well?
Yeah, that is the early Christmas gift that will keep on giving.
Here’s what some of my readers have said:
“I LOVE a good holiday read, and J. Keely Thrall’s take on Santa was 🔥! This was so fresh, fun, and spicy- I’ll never look at a peppermint stick the same way again.”
“A pleasure to read! This story is a crackling fire perfect for a cold, dark winter’s night!”
“The author expertly balances humor and heat, creating a captivating read that will leave you wanting more.”
“Clever and sexy! [This] is one to warm your heart and your socks.”
“Tis the season for love and family. Great story and great introduction to the Mack family series.”
“You NEED The One That I Need. This story is equal parts steamy and sweet.”
“A quick and fun read with great characters.”