
An Early Christmas Present
I’ve never been really certain if I chose to become a writer or if storytelling was thrust upon me. I do know that when I’m not writing, not working my way through the building blocks of a story, something inside me feels itchy and not at peace. Which means I’m usually plugging away at some…

Craving My Roommate is here!
Dropping in to share that the Craving My Roommate limited edition anthology is here! Read all about it (and why it has a special place in my heart) in my newsletter.

Cover Reveal: Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses
I’m so excited to be a part of this anthology! My contribution, The One That I Love, has a special place in my heart. I wrote the very first draft of it way back before the pandemic. I had three goals at that time: write a complete short story, practice writing super sexy, “open door”…

The original post appeared on the Rockville 8 blog in 2011. I’ve lightly edited the text. Every year I fortunate to celebrate my birthday with a handful of folks who share the same happy date. Often we exchange small gifts. About ten years ago, a former coworker made cell phone bling and each had a…

V is for Verb – a Love Letter in Two Part
A version of this post first appeared on the Rockville 8 blog in 2010. Part One – V In high school a friend of mine pointed out that the very best, most dazzling words – words filled with vim, vigor, vinegar, and vitality – begin with the letter V. I quickly realized the truth of…

The Creativity Well Revisited: Moving Eve, a Love Story in Brief
This post was first published on the Rockville 8 blog in 2010. Made me cry when I re-read the story I wrote about my grandparents. What a gift to rediscover it! A few months ago I blogged about my creativity well, the old farmhouse and grounds my grandparents inhabited for over forty years. I returned…